Guidelines for Supervised Visitation Cases
The monitor bears the sole responsibility for enforcement of all the terms and conditions of any supervised visitation. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the monitor shall:
- The monitor is there to assure the safety and welfare of the child(ren).
- Enforce the frequency and duration of the visit as ordered by the court.
- Avoid any attempts to take sides with either of the party.
- Ensure that all contacts between the child and the noncustodial party is within the providers hearing and sight at all times, and that discussions are audible to the provider.
- Parties must speak in a language understood by the monitor.
- Allow no derogatory comments about the other parent, his or her family, caretaker, child, or child’s sibling.
- Allow no discussion of the court case or the possible outcome.
- Allow neither the provider or the child to be used to gather information about the other party or caretaker or to transmit documents, information, or personal possessions.
- Allow no spanking, hitting, or threatening of the child.
- No visit will occur if the visiting party appears, or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- No physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual abuse.
- Parties are to follow all of the above rules and any additional rules.
- Set forth by the monitor or the courts.
- No using the visitation for the service of court documents.
- No making of promises about future living arrangement, time, or visitation modifications.
- No permanent alterations of child(ren) during visitation without or written consent of custodial parent. This includes haircuts, tattoos, body or ear piercing.
Safety Considerations for Sexual Abuse Cases:
- Allow no exchanges of gifts, money, or cards.
- Allow no photography, audiotaping, or videotaping of the child.
- Allow no physical contact with the child such as lap sitting, hair combing, stroking, hand holding, prolonged hugging, wrestling, tickling, horse playing, changing diapers, or accompanying the child to the bathroom.
- Allow no whispering, passing notes, hand or body signals.
- Allow no supervised visitation in the location where the alleged sexual abuse occurred.
For more information on these guidelines, please feel free to contact us at +1-800-419-2710 or 310-350-5688.